Mikel Landabaso has worked in the European Commission since 1990. He has been Director of Strategy and Corporate Communication in DG COMMUNICATION since April 2016, responsible for the design and implementation of the new generation of EU Corporate Campaigns: #InvestEU, #EUandME, and #EUProtects. Mikel was acting Director for Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, and Northern Europe.
During 2014/2015, he was Head of the Cabinet of Commissioner for Regional Policy. Previously he worked as Head of Unit of the Competence Centre on Smart and Sustainable Growth in the Directorate General for Regional Policy. He was also Head of the Research Department and Assistant to the Director General of the Basque Regional Development Agency (SPRI S.A.) from 1986-1990. He has been lecturing part-time at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium, the University of North Carolina (USA), Deusto University, and the public University of the Basque Country in Spain. He has received the 2004 “Christiane Bom Award” due to his contribution to innovation in European Regional policy by the European Regional Development Agencies Association – EURADA.
Mikel Landabaso has a Ph.D. in Economics (University of the Basque Country 1994, Spain), M.A. in Development Economics (University of East Anglia 1983-84, U.K.), Diploma in Advanced European Studies, with a scholarship from the Basque Government (College of Europe 1985-86, Belgium) and Licenciado en Ciencias Economicas (Universidad del Pais Vasco, 1978-1983). He attended a senior year of High school at Moundsview High (Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1977-78, U.S.A.) with an AFS scholarship.