The PRO PR Globe Entrepreneur Award is a special award that doesn’t have to be awarded every year. We live and move in a public relations world. PRO PR Communications recognizes that many entrepreneurs bring new ideas, new solutions and time-saving innovations into the world. That is very difficult to achieve when you have a zero budget. Many entrepreneurs start with no funding and no access to finance but have a burning desire to communicate and use PR skills to get their ideas known, accepted, and understood. At that early stage, the often lone and lonely entrepreneur needs to: define the problems that their solution can fix, research globally, find out facts, persuade others to join in, building a stakeholder communications matrix, prepare investor communication techniques to win support for the concept, consult with potential investors and media, enable job creation in the long term amongst other skills to enable growth. All of these above are Public Relations communication activities. The PRO PR Globe People achievement Awards seeks to encourage and acknowledge these entrepreneurs. This recognition is created for entrepreneurs in any sector.
PRO PR Globe Entrepreneur Achievement Awards is an annual acknowledgement intended for the individuals from PR who through their proactive work, have ethically promoted the profession of public relations.