PROPR Awards > PROPR People achievement awards > Categories > PROPR TRANSPARENCY IN COMMUNICATION AWARDS

The PRO PR Globe Transparency in Communication Achievement Award is a special award that does not have to be awarded every year. This award is given to public institutions, not to individuals who, with their projects, have created new standards, provided new knowledge, and transparently provided insight into the operations of the public sector. This recognition is awarded on the basis of publicly available data, the communication strategy implemented by the organization, and the results achieved by the organization through influencing the external or internal audience, with the aim of the most effective and transparent communication standards for the benefit of the general public or the target group for which the institution intended communication processes in a transparent manner through publicly available information and internal transparent procedures. With this recognition, we want to encourage the public sector and all organizations or departments that operate within that sector to inform the public through their transparency in continuous communication, using different communication techniques and tools, with the aim of better understanding the topic or more effective educational processes.




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