Karla Labaš is a cultural worker who lives in Dubrovnik. Since 2010, she has been working at the Dubrovnik Summer Games, first as a volunteer, then as an assistant to the head of the press office of the festival, and since 2013 as the head of the Public Relations and Marketing Office of the Dubrovnik Summer Games, and since December 2023 as the Head of Marketing and public relations, sales and promotion. From 2018 to 2021, she also worked as a coordinator of the EU projects “Future Epics” and “Port of Dreamers”, for which she partially wrote the application forms. She was also a member of the working group for the preparation of Dubrovnik’s candidacy for the European Capital of Culture and the creation of the Dubrovnik 2020 bid book and participated in writing the Communication and Marketing Outreach chapters. In the period from 2021 to 2022, he takes unpaid leave and spends the year mainly in India. She graduated from the American College of Management and Technology, today’s Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia, in 2011 with a graduation thesis on the topic of the sustainability of cultural tourism, and she successfully completed her MA studies in the field of Cultural Policy and Management at the University of Arts in Belgrade in 2017. defending his master’s thesis on the topic of the gender perspective of cultural policies. She speaks English fluently and uses Spanish, Italian and German. She has been a member of HUOJ since 2013.