Effective January 1, 2015, Gordana Kovačević, MSc was re-appointed for her third term as President and CEO of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla. Currently, with her responsibility as the President and CEO of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, she is also the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s affiliated company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla Servisi in Croatia.
She graduated and obtained her Master of Science degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computing at the University of Zagreb. Gordana Kovačević began her career by joining the then-factory “Nikola Tesla”, and as a respected professional, and later a manager, she led Nikola Tesla’s most complex telecommunications projects for the local and international markets, as well as the largest line organizations in the company.
In 1995, when Nikola Tesla became a part of Ericsson Corporation, Mrs. Kovačević was appointed the Vice President of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the Vice President of the Ericsson Market Unit Central Europe. At the same time, she was the Director of the Centre for Communications Solutions and Sales Support Services.
During her career, Gordana Kovačević has been engaged in strategic management, restructuring of the company, and business development. On this journey, her innovativeness and original approach were a part of her personal contribution to the local and global organization, which was recognized through Ericsson Centers of Excellence, which were her idea, and were first implemented in Croatia and afterward in the entire corporation. She completed an executive education program for Ericsson’s top management at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University.
Along with her corporate engagement, Gordana Kovačević has also been actively participating in the activities of several reputable institutions in Croatia. Due to excellent academic results achieved in cooperation with the leading representatives of the academic community, Gordana Kovačević was appointed as a member of the council of several faculties. In her career, she received numerous awards and recognitions, and for the fourth year in a row, Gordana Kovačević was the most powerful woman in Croatian business.