Evridika Nikolovska

Evridika Nikolovska

Integrated Communication Specialist at Makedonski Telekom AD

Evridika is a professional communication specialist, whose career started with an internship at the Macedonian national TV in 1987.  She spent more than 15 years in different media, finishing her engagement in journalism in 2003 as a good connoisseur of foreign affairs and global trends within the most respected weekly newspaper “Denes”. Known as a good analyst of the turbulent 1990s and 2000s, Evridika started reporting from Macedonia for IWPR (the Institute for War and Peace Reporting from London) which she considers as the greatest journalistic challenge.

In 2003 she left journalism to dedicate to her older daughter and the newborn one. But not much long afterward, new challenges come ahead in the form of fresh and developing discipline and practice in the country– Public Relations.

In 2005, their excellent knowledge of the Macedonian media milieu gave her the opportunity to play the role of a freelance consultant for the marketing agency Media House which was challenged by the need to handle PR issues for its clients. Evridika fell in love with the profession and her growth in the new field has started.

Nowadays, Evridika is an experienced and respected specialist in strategic and internal communication working in Makedonski Telekom, one of the most successful companies in the country, part of the Deutsche Telekom Group. Her 12 years long professional experience in the field of corporate communication covers many aspects of the PR profession and she never ends up upgrading her theoretical and practical knowledge. These days she is dedicated to finishing her M.A. thesis in strategic communications.


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