Alenka Vidic Praprotnik is a communication strategist who has been working in public relations for over 18 years. As a member of the Public Relations Society of Slovenia (PRSS) she co-creates the field of public relations sphere in Slovenia. She is also an active member of the Manager Association, the largest management organization in Slovenia, where she is a member of the board of directors of the section of young managers.
She began her professional career during her final years at the Faculty of Social Sciences, working in media, on TV, and in a marketing agency. Later on, she joined PRSS in which she has now been active for more than 10 years. During her time with PRSS, she participated in the creation of the Slovenian PR Conference (SKOJ) as a member of the SKOJ program board, actively joined the mentoring program, was selected as a member of the board several times, and once took a part of a section leader. In addition, she is part of PRSS as the leader the section of for the development of social responsibility and non-governmental organizations.
Now she is the CEO and founder of o28 Communication Group, which offers comprehensive communication support to its clients in the fields of sustainability, corporate communications, and communication training.