Sabrina Povsic Stimec started her professional career working as a journalist and editor at the business magazine Gospodarski vestnik in 1995. While working at the most important Slovenian business magazine she covered various business areas, such as foreign direct investments, real estate market, paper and wood industry, information and mobile technologies, and others. After five years as a journalist, she started to work for advertising agencies as a project manager and Head of the Public Relations department. In 2003 she started to work for the media public service Radiotelevizija Slovenija and created the new department for public relations. The goal to be fulfilled is a continuous expansion while having been expanding the classical public relations activities, developing and expanding them in all fields of communication, as well as in the field of marketing. Due to the development of technology, working for a national broadcaster is still a challenge. The way people communicate changes constantly, as well as the channels people are using to reach for content and of course the legislation.