Danijela Čavlović

Danijela Čavlović

Senior Consultant at Millenium Promocija

„Ne uvjeravaj ljude, daj im razloge da se sami uvjere“

In her rich career, Danijela Čavlović worked in newsrooms, PR agencies, corporations, entrepreneurship and the public sector, and today she uses her rich experience in working with clients at Millennium Promotion, one of the oldest domestic public relations agencies.  This graduated journalist was known to the general public as the owner of the first Zagreb bed&breakfast, which set some new standards in the hospitality industry in 2012. There is almost no domestic media that did not publish at least one news item about Studio Kairos in Vlaška Street, and the Guardian, Independent, Washington Post wrote about it, National Geographic Traveler magazine ranked it on the 1st place in the list of the best hotels in Zagreb under 100 pounds, they filmed it from Al-Jazeera to Japan Television. Lonely Planet declared it as the ‘top choice to stay in Zagreb’, even ahead of the city’s oldest Hotel Esplanade. When asked how she managed to do this, Čavlović replied that her understanding of public relations helped her a lot and that in business and in private she tries to stick to the saying – Don’t convince people, give them reasons to convince themselves.

Thanks to a different way of thinking about tourism, she was elected to the leading position of the Community of Family Tourism at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, which she led for four years. Today, she is back in the PR industry, and at Millenium she is a senior consultant in charge of strategic consulting, development and maintenance of company reputation as well as crisis communication.


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