The PRO PR Globe Media Communication Achievement Awards is intended for media companies to report their innovative projects and their campaigns that have influenced certain campaigns. Media companies and their numerous platforms from print, television, radio, and various portals create their projects independently by connecting partners. is intended for them to report their innovative projects and their campaigns that have influenced certain campaigns.
With a great impact on socially useful projects, aware of the diversity and needs of different groups, media houses as part of their social responsibility create projects independently that give incentives to individuals or groups. Media companies and their numerous platforms from print, television, radio, and various portals create their projects independently by connecting partners. This category is intended for them to report their innovative projects and their campaigns that have influenced certain campaigns. we want to reward media houses and at the same time recognize them through this award for their contribution to one of the goals of sustainable development.
*Clients can apply with the agency or the agency with the client or individually.